With our “DIVO” project, Digital Migrants will transform into Digital Hybrids by gaining the basic digital skills of adults. The main target groups and final beneficiaries of our project are:

  • People born before 1980,
  • Employees without basic digital skills,
  • Individuals outside the compulsory education procedure,
  • Retirees,
  • Unemployed,
  • Housewives,
  • Educators (instructors, trainers…) and staff working in the field of adult education,
  • Decision makers at local, regional, national and European level. The press and media build a pillar of our target group to publicize our project to larger groups.

In the short term, it will help bridge key digital divides in participants and target groups. In the long term, it will empower adults living in different communities to see the same challenges from the same perspective as others to broaden their awareness of common problems in a joint project.

To carry out the achievement of the project objectives:

  • Training in digital skills with innovative methods and techniques will be provided,
  • A remarkable game-based learning method for the development of digital skills of adults will be designed and developed,
  • Citizens will actively participate in the framework of Erasmus+,
  • Contribute to the development of language skills.
    The participating institutions:
  • They will be able to provide training in digital skills with innovative methods and techniques,
  • Will be able to work in harmony between international institutions and adults,
  • They will bring their 21st century digital skills to the target audience,
  • They will be able to integrate innovative methods in adult education,
  • They will be able to exchange good practices and experiences between associated organisations,
  • With the support of the basic digital competences of digital migrant adults, they will resort to digital hybrids,
  • Adults will be able to perform simple operations such as bill payment, e-government, mhrs (online appointment in Turkish health sector), e-banking, appointments, complaint/request requests, follow a quick schedule, video call, etc.

With the continuous development and change of technology, adults who cannot keep up with technology, which is an indispensable area nowadays, find it difficult to find work and keep their jobs. We will have an educational game that will help these adults to have confidence in themselves to use the word cyber without hesitation and thus become familiar with the characteristics of the cyber world. The game, which began on the table and continues in the digital environment, aims to smooth the transition process for adults experiencing technological shortcomings. The lighter this process, the less the tendency to shake and give up. Thus, even if there is not much age difference between them, it will serve as a bridge between adults and young people, and will prevent adults from being condemned by young people. At the same time, game interoperability and dialogue between generations will increase.

Harmony among international organizations will be provided and 21st century adults will be provided with essential digital skills by integrating innovative techniques in the education of these adults. The commitment to active citizenship within Erasmus Plus will be carried out through the DIVO project.